


来源:  天津市司法局 发布时间:  2024-04-07 09:24


Decree of Tianjin Municipal Peoples Government





Provisions of Tianjin Municipal on Vocational Skills Training,?adopted?at the 211th executive meeting of the Municipal People’s Government on December 9, 2022, is?hereby promulgated and shall enter into effect as of February 1, 2023.





??????????????????????????天津市市长 张工

?????????????????????????Mayor of Tianjin,?Zhang Gong


December 19, 2022


Provisions of Tianjin Municipality on Vocational Skills Training


第一章 总则

Chapter I General Provisions


第一条 为了促进职业技能培训高质量发展,提高劳动者素质和就业创业能力,建设技能天津和人才强市,推动经济社会发展,根据《中华人民共和国职业教育法》等有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本规定。

Article 1?These Provisions are formulated for the purposes of boosting the?high-quality development of vocational skills training, improving the quality and employment and entrepreneurship capabilities of workers, building a skilled Tianjin and a talent-strong municipality, and promoting?economic and social development, in accordance with the Vocational Education Law of the People’s Republic of China?and other laws and regulations, in consideration of the actual situation?of this Municipality


第二条 本市行政区域内职业技能培训以及相关管理等活动,适用本规定。


Article 2?These provisions shall apply?to activities related to vocational skills training and its management within their respective administrative regions?of this Municipality.

For the purpose of these Provisions, “vocational skills training” means education provided in order to train high-quality skilled talents by providing workers with training in professional ethics, technical and business knowledge, and practical operational abilities.


第三条 实施职业技能培训应当贯彻新发展理念、服务构建新发展格局,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,坚持发展为本、传承创新,坚持德技并修、普惠均等,坚持市场引导、政府促进,培育劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神,推进终身职业技能培训制度实施,全面提高劳动者素质。

Article 3?In the provision?of?vocational skills training,?it is required to carry out new development philosophy, serve the construction of a new development pattern, the core socialist values shall be advocated, and uphold the principles of development-oriented, heritage and innovation. It shall?also stick to the integration of morality and skills, inclusiveness and equality, market-driven and government-supported approaches, the spirit of model workers, labor?spirit, and craftsmanship. The implementation of a lifelong vocational skills training system should be promoted, so as to enhance the qualities of workforce?in an all-round way.




Article 4 Workers shall have the right to receive vocational skills training according?to?the law.

This Municipality encourages and supports workers to participate in various forms of vocational skills training based on societal needs and personal demands.


第五条 市和区人民政府应当将职业技能培训工作纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,制定中长期职业技能培训规划并组织实施。




Article 5 The?people’s governments of the municipality and districts, shall?include?vocational skills training in national economic and social development plans, develop and implement medium and long-term vocational skills training plans.

The human resources and social security department is?responsible for the overall management, coordination, and promotion of vocational skills training within its?administrative region.

Other relevant departments shall?carry out work related to vocational skills training in accordance with their respective responsibilities.

Trade unions, the Communist Youth League, the Women’s Federation, the Federation of the Disabled, and other mass organizations and industry organizations, and relevant social organizations shall?assist in the effective implementation of vocational skills training.


第六条 市和区人民政府及其有关部门应当采取有效措施,提高技能人才的社会地位和待遇,弘扬劳动光荣、技能宝贵、创造伟大的时代风尚。



Article 6 The?people’s governments of the municipality?and districts and their relevant departments,?shall adopt?effective measures to improve the social status and treatment of skilled talents?and?promote?the customs?of the era honoring working, cherishing skills, and valuing creation.

The news media, vocational schools, vocational training institutions, industry organizations, and enterprises involved in vocational skills training shall?actively make?public service announcements?on vocational skills training, and publicize?the growth and success of model skilled talents, so as to create a good social atmosphere where everyone strives and is able to acquire skills and to use all their skills.

During the annual Vocational Education Week activity period, this Municipality?shall?focus on organizing activities related to vocational skills training.


第七条 本市对在职业技能培训工作中做出显著成绩的组织和个人,按照国家和本市有关规定给予表彰、奖励。

Article7 This Municipality?shall commend and award organizations and individuals that?have made outstanding?achievements in vocational skills training work in accordance with state?and municipality?provisions.




Article 8 This Municipality?deepens regional cooperation with Beijing and Hebei Province in the field of vocational skills training, promoting the coordinated development of vocational skills training in the Jing-Jin-Ji region.

This Municipality?enhances domestic and international exchanges and cooperation in vocational skills training, and advances exchanges?and mutual learning between the fields?of vocational skills.


第二章 培训主体与内容方式

Chapter II Training Subjects and Content Methods


第九条 本市构建以行业企业为主体、职业学校为基础、政府推动与社会支持相结合的职业技能培训体系。

Article 9?This Municipality?establishes a system for vocational skills training, which takes industries and?enterprises?as its mainstay, which?is based on vocational schools, and which integrates government promotion with?social support.


第十条 企业应当按照国家和本市有关规定提取和使用职工教育经费,根据生产经营、科技创新和技术进步的需要,制定职工培训计划,开展岗前培训、学徒培训、在岗培训、脱产培训、业务研修、岗位练兵、技术比武、技能竞赛等多种形式的职业技能培训。

Article 10?An enterprise shall,?in accordance with state and municipality provisions, set aside and use?funds for the education of employees. Based on the needs of production, operation, technological innovation, and technological progress, they shall?draw up?employee training plans and conduct multiple forms of?vocational skills training, including pre-job training, apprenticeship training, on-the-job training, off-job training, professional study, post?drills, technical contests, and skills competitions.


第十一条 企业可以利用资本、技术、知识、设施、设备、场地等要素,建设企业培训中心、企业公共实训基地、技能大师工作室、高技能人才培训基地等,提高劳动者职业技能水平、解决实际问题和创新创造的能力。

Article 11?An enterprise may?use capital, technology, knowledge, facilities, equipment, venues and other factors to establish enterprise training centers, public?practical?training bases, skill master studios, and highly skilled?talent training bases, improving?the technical skills of workers, solving?actual problems, and innovative capabilities.


第十二条 职业学校应当根据社会需求、办学能力开展面向社会的职业技能培训。


Article 12 Vocational schools shall?offer vocational skills training to the public based on societal demand and their educational capacity.

Support is given to vocational schools for the establishment of skill master studios, highly skilled talent?training bases, etc., to facilitate the cultivation of highly skilled talents?and research on technologies, train apprentices and pass on their?skills, as well as skills exchange.


第十三条 市级技能大师工作室、高技能人才培训基地由市人力资源和社会保障部门组织认定。


Article 13 Municipal skill master studios and highly skilled?talent?training bases are recognized and organized by the municipal human resources and social security departments.

Eligible enterprises, vocational schools, and public practical training bases making an application shall?be determined through expert review, public announcement, and other procedures, and enjoy financial support in accordance with the provisions.


第十四条 本市支持危险和化学品企业集中的地区和化工园区建设配套服务的安全技能实训基地,开展高危行业企业从业人员和各类特种作业人员安全技能实操实训。

Article 14?The Municipality?supports the construction of safety skills practical training bases offering auxiliary services in areas and chemical parks where dangerous and chemical enterprises are concentrated. These bases conduct practical safety skills training for employees in high-risk industries and various types of special operation personnel.


第十五条 职业培训机构应当健全组织机构和管理制度,完善与培训任务相适应的课程体系,保障有与培训任务相适应、符合安全要求的场所、设施、设备,加强人员配备和经费投入,依法开展职业技能培训。

Article 15?Vocational training institutions shall?improve an organizational structure and a system for management, develop a curriculum system that meet the needs of the training programs provided, ensure the?places,?facilities, and equipment that meet the needs of the training programs provided and comply with the safety requirements, strengthen staff allocation and funds?investment, and carry out vocational skills training?in accordance with the law.


第十六条 职业学校、职业培训机构应当依法设置培训课程,将新技术、新工艺、新理念纳入职业技能培训课程,推动职业技能培训创新发展。

Article 16?Vocational schools or?vocational training institutions shall?establish training courses?in accordance with the law, and incorporate?new technologies, processes, and concepts into the vocational skills training curriculum to promote innovative development in vocational skills training.


第十七条 职业学校、职业培训机构面向社会开展培训的,应当在招生简章中公布学校或者机构的基本情况、培训项目、培训费用、培训目标、培训内容、培训时间、办学形式、办学地址、证书发放等有关事项。



Article 17?Vocational schools?or vocational?training institutions?training directed at society?shall?disclose in their enrollment brochures the institution’s basic information, training programs, training costs, training objectives, training content, training schedule, form of education, address, and certificate issuance details.

The enrollment brochures or advertisements of vocational schools or?vocation training institutions must be truthful and legal. The collection of training fees must comply with state?and municipality?provisions?and be subject to supervision by the relevant authorities.

The municipal development and reform department shall, in conjunction with the municipal human resources and social security and other relevant departments, perfect and improve the specific methods for charging fees for training offered to the public by non-profit private vocational schools and vocational training institutions, in accordance with the provisions of state.





Article 18?Government-led vocational skills public practical training bases shall?adhere to principles of public interest, non-profit, openness, and comprehensiveness, providing services such as skill training, skill competitions, skill level certification, entrepreneurship training, teacher training, and curriculum development for workers, enterprises and institutions, social organizations, industrial parks, vocational schools, and vocational training institutions.

Municipal vocational skills public practical training bases shall?play a demonstrative and leading role, engaging in activities such as the development of vocational skill standards, innovation in training models, and cultivation of high?skilled talents.

District people’s governments with the necessary conditions may establish vocational skills public practical training bases.


第十九条 开展职业技能培训应当按照国家职业技能标准,加强对劳动者职业道德、技术业务知识、实际操作能力以及安全生产意识等的培养,注重提高培训的精准性和实效性。

Article 19 Vocational skills training shall?be provided in accordance with national vocational skill standards, emphasizing the cultivation of workers’?professional ethics, technical and business knowledge, practical operational abilities, and awareness of production safety, focusing on improving the precision and effectiveness of the training.



Article 20?Training venues shall?be suitable for the content of vocational skills training, with facilities and equipment matching the scale of training, and complying?with national construction and safety standards.





Article 21?This Municipality?promotes the implementation of a new apprenticeship system for enterprises, support enterprises to create positions of apprentice accounting, and conduct school-enterprise dual-teacher apprenticeship and alternation of learning and working?with vocational schools and provide?apprenticeship training for newly employed employees, active employees and transferred employees.

Encourage enterprises to jointly enroll students in cooperation with vocational schools or vocational training institutions, to provide custom training, cooperative class management, and targeted training, for training apprentices by means of combination of work and study.

In high-risk industries such as hazardous chemicals and mining, the apprenticeship system is implemented for newly recruited employees in skill-operational positions.


第二十二条 本市支持代表性传承人开展带徒传技、技能推广,培养拥有绝技绝活、掌握传统工艺技艺的能工巧匠,推动传统工艺技艺保护传承。


Article 22?This Municipality?supports representative bearers in teaching apprentices and imparting job skills, cultivating skilled craftsmen with unique skills and mastery of traditional crafts, and promoting the protection and inheritance of traditional craftsmanship.

The Municipality?undertakes vocational skills training for workers in new business formats and models, supporting industry-wide and comprehensive vocational skills training.


第二十三条 企业、职业学校、职业培训机构等可以运用信息技术和其他现代化教学方式,构建线上线下相结合的培训模式,提升培训质量和效果。

Article 23?Enterprises, vocational schools, or?vocational?training institutions may?use information technology and other modern teaching methods to build a training model that combines online and offline approaches, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of training.


第三章 评价与激励

Chapter III Evaluation and Incentive




Article 24 This Municipality?promotes the national unified system of vocational qualifications and vocational skill level for skilled talents, implementing a diversified evaluation system that includes vocational qualification assessment, vocational skill level certification, and specialized vocational ability examinations.

Encourage?workers to participate in vocational qualification assessments, vocational skill level certifications, and specialized vocational ability exams based on employment and career development needs, obtaining corresponding vocational qualification certificates, vocational skill level certificates, and specialized vocational ability certificates.


第二十五条 对不同类型、不同层次的技能人才,应当结合其工作领域和岗位特点,实行分类评价。


Article 25?For skilled talents of different types and levels, evaluations shall?be conducted in accordance with their work fields and job characteristics, implementing categorized assessments.

The evaluation of skilled talents shall?emphasize integrity, ability, performance, and contribution orientation, comprehensively examining the professionalism, innovation, responsibility performance, innovative achievements, and actual contributions of skilled talents.


第二十六条 具备市人力资源和社会保障部门规定条件的用人单位和社会培训评价组织,应当按照国家职业技能标准或者评价规范,对劳动者的职业技能等级进行认定。


Article 26 Employers and social training evaluation organizations that meet the conditions specified by the municipal human resources and social security department shall, in accordance with national vocational skill standards or evaluation norms, certify the vocational skill levels of workers.

Workers engaging in specific occupations?(types of work) in?relation to public security, personal health, or?life and property safety, among others, must receive?training and obtain vocational qualifications or qualifications?for special operations.


第二十七条 本市推行职业技能培训学分、资历以及其他学习成果与职业学校教育的认证、积累和转换制度。


Article 27?This Municipality?promotes a system for certification, accumulation and conversion of credits, qualifications and other learning outcomes in vocational skills training and vocational school education.

The Municipality?supports vocational schools in implementing a dual certificate system for academic diplomas and vocational skill level certificates.



Article 28?Graduates of advanced worker and pre-technician (technician) classes from technical schools shall enjoy the same treatment as college and university graduates in aspects such as military enlistment, employment, determination of starting salary standards, participation in recruitment for government and public institutions, professional title evaluations, and rank promotions.




Article 29?The Municipality?establishes a selection mechanism for highly skilled?talents and conducts evaluations and recognition for Haihe craftsmen, technical experts, and skill masters.

Relevant departments shall?take measures to appropriately increase the proportion of highly skilled?talents who are dedicated, strive for excellence, and pursue outstanding achievements in participating in and enjoying special government allowances from the State Council, May Day Labor Medals, Youth Position Experts, and March Eighth Red Banner Holders recognition and awards.


第三十条 本市支持企业建立基于岗位价值、能力素质、业绩贡献的工资分配机制,对技术工人实行补助性津贴制度,强化工资收入分配的技能价值激励导向。


Article 30?The Municipality?supports enterprises in establishing a salary distribution mechanism based on job value, competency, and performance contributions, implementing a subsidy benefits?system for technical workers to strengthen the skill value incentive orientation of wage income distribution.

Encourage?enterprises to adopt incentive methods for highly skilled?talents, such as technical innovation results becoming part of the equity, position bonuses, and stock allocation, to increase the income level of technical workers.


第三十一条 人力资源和社会保障部门应当会同有关部门定期组织职业技能竞赛。鼓励企业、行业组织、行业主管部门等围绕产业发展方向和布局,举办各级各类职业技能竞赛。


Article 31?The human resources and social security department shall, together with relevant departments, regularly organize vocational skills competitions. Encourage?enterprises, industry organizations, and industry regulatory departments to hold various vocational skills competitions around the direction and layout of industrial development.

The Municipality?supports using competition as an evaluation method, where participants who achieve excellent rankings in vocational skills competitions held according to national vocational skill standards are promoted to the corresponding vocational skill levels in accordance with relevant provisions.


第四章 保障与服务

Chapter IV Guarantee and Service


第三十二条 人力资源和社会保障部门负责拟定职业技能培训发展规划、制定职业技能培训年度计划,管理使用职业技能培训补贴资金,对职业技能培训开展情况进行督导评估等工作。














Article 32?The human resources and social security department is responsible for drafting vocational skills training development plans, formulating annual vocational skills training plans, managing and using vocational skills training subsidy funds, and supervising and evaluating the implementation of vocational skills training.

The development and reform department is responsible for supporting the construction of vocational skills public practical training base projects and strengthening project construction supervision.

The education department is responsible for organizing vocational skills training for students of general higher education and vocational schools, as well as managing vocational schools’ provision of vocational skills training to the public.

The science and technology department is responsible for organizing entrepreneurship and innovation training for scientific and technical personnel with entrepreneurial intentions and training needs through incubation institutions.

The industry and information technology department is responsible for guiding vocational skills training in the industrial sector and supervising and managing the recognition of masters of arts and crafts.

The civil affairs department is responsible for assisting relevant departments in organizing vocational skills training for members of families receiving minimum living security.

The judicial administration department is responsible for providing employment skills training aimed at facilitating the successful reintegration into society for incarcerated individuals and those undergoing compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation.

The finance department is responsible for ensuring the provision of vocational skills training subsidy funds.

The housing and urban-rural development department is responsible for coordinating, guiding, and promoting vocational skills training for personnel in the housing and urban-rural construction industry.

The agriculture and rural affairs department is responsible for organizing practical agricultural technology training and high-quality farmer training, as well as constructing high-quality farmer cultivation bases.

The veterans affairs department is responsible for organizing free vocational skills training for veterans in accordance with relevant?provisions?of the state, and assisting relevant departments in the vocational skills training of veterans.

The emergency management department is responsible for guiding and coordinating safety skills training in high-risk industries and safety operation training for special operation personnel.

The federation for people with disabilities is responsible for organizing vocational skills training for the disabled?and strengthening the construction of vocational skills training bases for the disabled.

Other industry regulatory departments shall?carry out vocational skills training work for their respective industries according to their responsibilities.


第三十三条 本市健全完善技能人才稳才留才引才机制,将符合条件的高技能人才纳入直接落户范围,高技能人才的配偶、子女按照有关规定享受公共就业、教育、住房等保障服务。

Article 33?The Municipality?improves and perfects mechanisms for stabilizing, retaining, and attracting skilled talents, including qualified high-skill talents in the direct residency eligibility category. Spouses and children of highly skilled?talents enjoy public employment, education, housing, and other support services in accordance with relevant provisions.


第三十四条 本市鼓励行业组织结合本行业特点,开展职业技能培训政策宣传、需求对接、交流合作,指导推动本行业开展职业技能培训。

Article 34 The Municipality?encourages industry organizations to make policy announcements, demand matching, exchange and cooperation on vocational skills training?tailored to their industry features, directing?and promoting vocational skills training within their sectors.




Article 35?The Municipality?implements a vocational skills training subsidy catalog system. The municipal human resources and social security department, in conjunction with the finance department and others, shall?develop a catalog indicating the demand for scarce market occupations and subsidy standards based on market demand occupations, vocational skill levels, training costs, and industrial development needs, publicly announce it, and make dynamic adjustments.

Vocational schools, vocational training institutions, government-led public practical training bases, and qualified enterprise training centers and public practical training bases that offer training in occupations listed in the catalog, eligible trainees may?enjoy vocational skills training subsidies in accordance with the provisions.


第三十六条 职业学校、职业培训机构、企业等承接政府补贴的职业技能培训项目的,应当与人力资源和社会保障部门签订职业技能培训项目协议,并按照协议约定组织开展相应培训。

Article 36?Vocational schools, vocational training institutions, enterprises, and others undertaking government-subsidized vocational skills training projects shall?sign vocational skills training project agreements with the human resources and social security department and organize the corresponding training in accordance with the agreements.


第三十七条 人力资源和社会保障部门、教育部门和其他行业主管部门等应当采取日常检查、按比例抽查、专项检查、委托第三方核查、质量评估、信用等级评价等方式,利用大数据、远程监控、远程抽检等信息化手段,加强对职业技能培训活动的监督管理。

Article 37?The human resources and social security department, education department, and other industry regulatory departments shall?strengthen the supervision and management of vocational skills training activities through methods such as regular inspections, proportional spot checks, special inspections, third-party verification, quality assessments, and credit rating evaluations, utilizing information technology means like big data, remote monitoring, and remote spot checks.



Article 38?The municipal human resources and social security department shall?establish a quality monitoring system for vocational skill level certification, improve and perfect the evaluation mechanism for employers and social training evaluation organizations, and organize regular assessments, and publicly disclose assessment.


第三十九条 人力资源和社会保障部门和行业主管部门应当按照有关规定建立职业技能培训信用评价机制,依法组织开展信用承诺、信用评价、守信激励和失信惩戒、信用修复等工作,实行信用分级分类管理。

Article 39?The human resources and social security department and industry regulatory department shall?establish a vocational skills training credit evaluation mechanism according to relevant provisions, legally conduct credit commitments, credit rates, honesty and punishing?dishonesty, credit repair, and implement credit classification management.


第五章 法律责任

Chapter V Legal Liability


第四十条 违反本规定,以欺诈、伪造证明材料或者其他手段骗取职业技能培训补贴的,按照有关财政违法行为、社会保险违法行为等处罚的规定予以处理;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 40?Where any institution violates?these provisions?by?fraud,?falsification of certification materials or obtaining vocational skills training subsidies by?other means, it shall be dealt with?according to?the provisions on punishments and sanctions against illegal financial acts?and the provisions concerning the violation of social insurance law; and held criminally liable in accordance with the law,?if the violation is criminally punishable.


第四十一条 违反本规定,职业学校、职业培训机构、企业等不履行承接政府补贴职业技能培训项目协议的,由人力资源和社会保障部门按照协议约定采取约谈相关负责人、限期整改、追回补贴资金等方式予以处理。

Article 41?Violations of these provisions?by vocational schools, vocational training institutions, enterprises, and others?failing?to fulfill agreements for undertaking government-subsidized vocational skills training projects, will be handled by the human resources and social security department in accordance with the agreement, including by way of holding?an interview?with the?relevant?person?in charge, taking?corrective action?within a specified period, and recovering subsidy funds.


第四十二条 国家工作人员在职业技能培训管理中,不履行职责或者滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 42?State functionaries who are directly in charge or who are directly responsible persons shall be subjected to discipline?in?accordance with the law for failing to perform their duties, abusing power, neglecting duties, or making?falsification for private gain?in the management of vocational skills training; and held criminally liable in accordance with the law, if the violation is?criminally?punishable.


第六章 附则

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions


第四十三条 本规定自202321日起施行。

Article 43?These Provisions?shall?enter into effect as of?February 1, 2023.
