


来源:  天津市司法局 发布时间:  2021-12-12 13:58


Decree?of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government




The ?Measures?of Tianjin Municipality on the Earthquake Early Warning Management,?which were?adopted at the 173th?executive meeting of the municipal peoples government on ?December 32021, are?hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January?152022.?




?????????????????????????????????Liao Guoxun,

??????????????????????????????????????Mayor of Tianjin                  


??????????????????????????????????????December 12, 2021


The Measures of Tianjin Municipality on the Earthquake Early Warning Management


第一章 总?

Chapter 1 General Provisions



Article 1 In order to strengthen the management of earthquake early warning, give play to the role of earthquake early warning, reduce the loss of earthquake disasters, and ensure the safety of people's lives and properties, these provisions are formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such?as the "Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction Law of the People's Republic of China", "Earthquake Monitoring Management Regulations", "Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction Regulations in?Tianjin Municipality" and in light of the actual conditions of this municipality.





Article 2 These provisions shall be applicable to?activities such as planning and construction of earthquake early warning systems, release and disposal of earthquake early warning information, and related supervision and management within the administrative area of this Municipality.

The term "earthquake early warning" as mentioned in these provisions refers to the act of issuing earthquake warning information to the area through the earthquake early warning system before the seismic wave reaches the area that may be damaged or affected after the earthquake occurs.

The earthquake early warning system mentioned in these provisions includes the earthquake early warning monitoring system, the automatic information processing system, and the information release and dissemination system.



Article 3 The earthquake early warning work should?follow the principles of government leadership, regional coordination, and social participation, and implement a working mechanism of unified planning, management, and release.





Article 4 The municipal and district people's governments shall establish a coordinating mechanism for earthquake early warning, coordinate and solve major earthquake early warning issues in an overall manner, and incorporate the funds required for earthquake early warning work into the fiscal budget at the corresponding level.

The municipal and district departments for earthquake-related issues shall?be responsible for earthquake early warning and their supervision and management within their respective administrative areas.

Relevant departments such as development and reform, urban management, transportation, emergency response, public security, planning resources, water affairs, education, health, culture, and tourism shall, in accordance with their respective responsibilities, be dedicated to?earthquake early warning.



Article 5 The planning, construction, operation and management of the earthquake early warning system, the release and disposal of earthquake early warning information and other activities shall abide by the relevant laws, regulations, and rules, and comply with the relevant national and municipal standards and technical requirements.



Article 6 This Municipality encourages and supports social forces to participate in the construction of an earthquake early warning system in accordance with the law, and to carry out scientific and technological innovation, product research and development and application of results for earthquake early warning.


第二章 规划建设与设施保护

Chapter II Planning, Construction and Facility Protection



Article 7 The municipal department in charge of earthquake work shall, according to the national earthquake early warning system construction plan, work with relevant departments to formulate the municipal earthquake early warning system construction plan, incorporate it into the municipal earthquake prevention and disaster reduction plan, and organize the implementation after reporting to the Municipal People's Government for approval.




Article 8 The municipal department in charge of earthquake work shall organize the construction of a unified earthquake early warning system for the whole city in accordance with the constructive plan of the earthquake early warning system. The competent department of earthquake work in the district shall assist in the construction of the earthquake early warning system.

In building an earthquake early warning and monitoring system, the existing resources of earthquake monitoring stations shall be fully utilized and integrated to avoid duplication of construction.




Article 9 In densely populated places such as schools, hospitals, stations, airports, and stadiums, earthquake warning information receiving, and broadcasting devices should be installed.

For major construction projects such as high-speed railways, urban rail transit, power dispatch centers, trunk lines (stations) of oil and gas pipelines, large reservoirs, and other construction projects involving hazardous chemicals and other construction projects that may cause serious secondary disasters, the construction unit or management unit shall install an earthquake early warning information receiving device, and build a special earthquake early warning system if necessary, and the built special earthquake early warning system shall be reported to the municipal competent department of earthquake work for the record.


Article 10 Earthquake early warning stations (sites) constructed by social forces, if they meet the earthquake early warning system construction plan and applicable?technical requirements, shall be incorporated into the earthquake early warning system to realize information sharing.



Article 11 After the completion of the earthquake early warning system, the trial operation shall be put into trial operation?for more than one year. After the trial operation is completed, it can be put into formal operation only after the completion of the trial operation and the acceptance by the national or municipal competent department of earthquake work.



Article 12 No unit or individual shall occupy, damage, demolish or move earthquake early warning facilities without authorization, and shall not endanger the earthquake observation environment.



Article 13 The operation management unit and the information receiving unit of earthquake early warning system shall strengthen the maintenance and management of the earthquake early warning system and its facilities to ensure the normal operation of the earthquake early warning system.




Article 14 The municipal department in charge of earthquake work shall regularly supervise and inspect the operation of the earthquake early warning system.

The municipal and district competent departments for earthquake work shall strengthen the protection of the earthquake early warning facilities and the earthquake observation environment and organize repairs in a timely manner if the earthquake early warning facilities and the earthquake observation environment are damaged.


第三章 信息发布与处置

Chapter III Information Release and Disposal



Article 15 The earthquake early warning information shall be uniformly released by the municipal competent department of earthquake authorized by the Municipal People's Government through the earthquake early warning system, and any other unit or individual must not release earthquake early warning information to the public in any form.




Article 16 Earthquake early warning information shall be broadcast to the public through radio, television, Internet and other media and communication operation enterprises.

Radio, television, Internet and other media and communication operation enterprises shall, under the guidance of the municipal competent department of earthquake work and relevant departments, establish a mechanism for automatically receiving and distributing earthquake early warning information, and disseminate earthquake early warning information to the public in a timely, accurate and free manner.



Article 17 After the occurrence of an earthquake, the municipal department in charge of earthquake work shall send earthquake early warning information to areas within the city's administrative area with an estimated earthquake intensity of 5 degrees and above. The earthquake early warning information shall include the early warning level, the arrival time of the seismic wave, the estimated seismic intensity, the earthquake epicenter, the magnitude, and the time of the earthquake.



Article 18 After receiving the earthquake early warning information, the municipal and district people's governments and their relevant departments shall, in accordance with the earthquake emergency response plan, do a good job in?earthquake emergency response in time?according to law.



Article 19 After receiving the earthquake early warning information, the management unit of the densely populated place shall immediately take corresponding risk avoidance measures in accordance with the earthquake emergency plan.



Article 20 After receiving the earthquake early warning information, the construction units or management units of major construction projects and other construction projects that may cause serious secondary disasters shall immediately deal with them in accordance with their respective industry regulations, technical specifications, and earthquake emergency plans.



Article 21 The municipal competent department of earthquake work shall update the earthquake early warning information in time according to the actual situation.



第四章 宣传教育与应急演练

Chapter Publicity?and?Education and Emergency Drills




Article 22 Municipal and district people's governments and their relevant departments, township people's governments, and sub-district offices shall organize and carry out earthquake early warning knowledge publicity and popularization activities and necessary earthquake emergency drills, so as to improve the public's ability to use earthquake early warning information to avoid risks.

The village (resident) committee shall, in accordance with the requirements of the local people's government, organize and carry out earthquake early warning knowledge publicity and popularization activities and necessary earthquake emergency drills.



Article 23 Organs, groups, enterprises, institutions and other units shall strengthen the publicity and education of earthquake early warning knowledge for their personnel, and conduct earthquake emergency drills in accordance with the requirements of the local people's government and in combination with their actual conditions.



Article 24 Schools shall incorporate earthquake early warning knowledge into their teaching content, and organize earthquake emergency evacuation drills at least once a year.



Article 25 Media such as radio, television, newspapers, and the Internet shall carry out public welfare publicity activities for earthquake early warning knowledge.



Article 26 The municipal and district competent departments of earthquake work shall publicize and popularize earthquake early warning knowledge to the public, and guide, assist, and urge relevant units to do a good job in the publicity and education of earthquake early warning knowledge and earthquake emergency drills.


第五章 区域协同

Chapter Regional Synergy



Article 27 This Municipality has established an earthquake early warning collaborative working mechanism with Beijing and Hebei Province to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on earthquake early warning.



Article 28 This Municipality, Beijing and Hebei Province unify the sources of earthquake early warning information, the thresholds and contents of the release of earthquake early warning information.



Article 29 The municipal competent department of earthquake work and the competent departments of earthquake work in Beijing and Hebei Province jointly promote the construction of a regional earthquake monitoring and early warning platform, establish an earthquake early warning data and information sharing mechanism, realize mutual backup and mutual service of earthquake early warning information, and improves the ability of regional earthquake early warning.


Article 30 The municipal competent department of earthquake work and the competent departments of earthquake work in Beijing and Hebei Province jointly promote the popularization and application of new technologies for earthquake early warning in the region, and promote the construction of a regional scientific and technological innovation platform of?earthquake early with warning integrating scientific research experiments, achievement transformation, scientific and technological exchange and integrated demonstration.


章 法律责任

Chapter ?Legal Liability



Article 31 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of Article 19?of these measures, fails?to install earthquake early warning information receiving devices or broadcasting devices shall be ordered by the competent department of earthquake work to make corrections within a time limit. If?corrections are not made within the time limit, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with law.





Article 32 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of Article 19?of these measures, shall be dealt with in accordance with the following provisions:

(1)?Whoever occupies, destroys, dismantles, moves the earthquake monitoring facilities without authorization, or endangers the earthquake observation environment, shall be ordered by the competent department of earthquake work to stop the illegal act, restore the original state or take other remedial measures, If the circumstances are serious, the unit shall be fined not less than 20000 yuan but not more than 200000 yuan, and the individual shall be fined not more than 2000 yuan, If losses are caused, it shall be liable for compensation according to law, If it constitutes a violation of the administration of public security, the public security authority?shall punish it in accordance with?law.

(2)?Whoever occupies, destroys, dismantles?or moves other earthquake monitoring facilities without authorization, shall be ordered by the competent department of earthquake work to stop the illegal act, restore the original state or take other remedial measures, If the circumstances are serious, the unit shall be fined not more than 10000 yuan, and the individual shall be fined not more than 1000 yuan, If losses are caused, it shall be liable for compensation according to law, If it constitutes a violation of the administration of public security, the public security authority?shall punish it in accordance with?law.



Article 33 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of Article 15 of these measures, releases earthquake early warning information to the public?without authorization shall be ordered by the municipal competent department of earthquake work to make corrections. If it is?a violation of the administration of public security, the public security authority?shall punish it in accordance with?law. If a crime is involved, the offender should?be held criminally liable in accordance with law.



Article 34 If the staff of the municipal and district earthquake work competent departments and relevant departments abuse their powers, neglect their duties, or practice favoritism or making falsification for personal gains?in the earthquake early warning work, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished according to law. If a crime is involved, the offender should?be held criminally liable in accordance with law.


第七章 ?

Chapter ?Supplementary Article



Article 35 These provisions?shall come into force as of January 15, 2022.

